Drying operations consist of the removal of standing water, scale and water vapor in order to prevent the onset of internal corrosion or to meet the moisture specifications for the delivered product. Dew point measurements are used to determine the level of moisture left in the pipeline. The dew point is defined as the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense out of its gaseous form at atmospheric pressure. In other words, the lower the dew point, the colder the ambient temperature in the pipeline must be before liquid water will begin to form. Regardless of your drying specifications, Milbar can design and implement a plan that will conform to your drying needs.
Milbar maintains an extensive inventory of pigs, pig-launchers and receivers that allow us to mobilize, clean and dry a pipeline in the least amount of time possible. We have specially designed our launching systems such that pigs can be continuously launched without shutting down the flow of air to the pipeline. Milbar uses 100% oil free air, after-coolers and regenerative desiccant dryers to bring the dew point of the discharge to -100°F. In order to obtain the dew point, foam swabs are run in conjunction with dehydrated air. Swabs are run until the required dew point is achieved at the open end. Milbar's pig-receivers can vary from a basic "knock-down" used to control the exit of the pig from the open-ended pipe to dust suppression receivers capable of catching multiple pigs while at the same time filtering the air exiting the pipeline. This method may be necessary when carrying out rehabilitation work where dust may become a problem not only for employees but also for the surrounding environment.
What Aspects Affect Your Drying Plan?
When designing a drying plan one must consider several aspects of the project in order to maximize efficiency and minimize costs:
How long are the sections you are planning to dry?
What size is your pipeline?
Is the pipe internally coated?
What is the condition of the pipeline (Rehabilitation, Pipe Storage Prior to construction, New construction, etc.)?
What aspects of the section layout should you consider (Access, Pre-existing section breaks, etc.)?
What type of material will be carried in the pipeline?
What kind of time constraints is the project subject to?
Is dust suppression a concern?
Are brush and Poly-pigs for removing scale and pre-cleaning necessary?
All of these questions will factor into the drying plan when estimating time, materials, equipment and eventually the lowest possible expense. Once the answers to these questions have been evaluated, Milbar's engineers will determine the best possible drying method for your pipeline.
What Drying Methods are Available?
Cleaning and drying with super dry air considering debris penetration
Drying with super dry air to a specified dew point
Blow drying with super dry air
Blow drying with an inert gas such as nitrogen
Milbar has the expertise and equipment to ensure that your pipeline will meet or exceed drying specification for the lowest possible expense.